Alyssa Hoffman PsyD, HSPP

Dr. Hoffman has currently paused her wait-list. If you would like to be notified when it reopens or receive a list of providers who offer similar services, please visit the contact page.

Parents who bring their children to Freely Living often feel stuck. They have tried to reassure their child countless times. They have gone to great lengths to try and protect their child from anxious feelings. Some parents have found themselves doing seemingly silly things that the child swears are necessary, only to find these patterns more ingrained. Many parents have struggled to understand why their child continually doubts what seems so obvious.

When children and teens arrive to therapy, they often feel ready for something different. They are tired of doing things that get in the way of school. They are frustrated that their fears have been affecting their hobbies and friendships. They are bogged down by knowing others are annoyed with their behaviors.  They may even recognize that they are questioning things that do not seem to make sense to question. Even so, they may have trouble dropping something because of a small thread of possibility.

These doubts and fears disrupt the child’s ability to live freely and trust themselves. They get in the way of moving onto the next thing and engaging fully in their values. Parents feel frustrated, scared, and helpless. They are concerned by these fears and not being able to help their child get overcome them.

Learning to respond to these fears, anxieties, and doubts in a new way takes practice and hard work. With that hard work, change is possible. Your child can learn how to de-tangle themselves from these fears and live according to their own voice and values.

To learn more about Dr. Hoffman’s approach to therapy, click here.

You deserve hope.
Your child deserves to live freely every day.